Here is a list of current ticket prices for rejsekort and single tickets in the Copenhagen area. These are not the prices for other cities like Aalborg and Aarhus. Please check out that information on our city pages.
Note: This page was updated December 2018.
Also, if you are going to be living in Denmark and using public transport alot, you may want to check out some of the special passes available.
Now here are your klippekort prices:
You can also check for any updated prices at DSB Priser or at I try to keep the information up to date, but DSB loves to raise/change their prices. They want more people to take public transport, but they keep making it more expensive, so many people are back to their cars or bicycles.
Since physical klippekort are now a thing of the past, most people use the new rejsekort system, but there are also several phone apps that can be applied to buy tickets. You can find them in your apple, google stores or google the transport company and app. There you can also get mobile klippekort.
Movia ......
Metro ......
DSB ..... DSB Ticket Prices
If you want to plan or look for the best route from point A to point B, try It is in Danish, but has an English version too.
Below is list of some of the other transportation related pages on FYI Denmark, so you choose which mode you wish to learn more about.
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We are a group of 20-30 students from Slovenia. We are travelling through Denmark in December. We will need a bus …
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