Danish Kommunes
Denmark is divided into 5 regions encompassing 11- 29 danish kommunes each. There are presently 98 kommunes in Denmark and they are each responsible for the running of the local social services, such as employment, schools and garbage collection. Kommunes will vary in size ( 20,000+ residents ) and boundaries often change from year to year. The above map shows you how they are divided. A kommune is similiar to a county in the US or UK.
Below you will find a list of the all the kommunes/municipalities in Denmark - listed geographically. Included is the address for the regional office.
It is important for you to know which Danish kommune you live in and also it is quite helpful to know a little bit about each one, since their local fees: for example for day care and school vary, so do the local taxation rates and many other things. If you are planning on moving to Denmark it is helpful to do a little research on each to see what they offer their residents. You can get more information by going to their individual websites, which are listed below.

Danish Kommunes in Hovedstaden
The 29 kommunes below are located in and around the major city of Copenhagen. This includes Danish Kommunes going north to Helsingør and southwest towards Køge. Region Hovedstaden Kongens Vænge 2 3400 Hillerød ----------------------------
København http://www.kk.dk Frederiksberg http://www.frederiksberg.dk Ballerup http://www.ballerup.dk Brøndby http://www.brondby.dk Dragør http://www.dragoer.dk Gentofte http://www.gentofte.dk Gladsaxe http://www.gladsaxe.dk Glostrup http://www.glostrup.dk Herlev http://www.herlev.dk Albertslund http://www.albertslund.dk Hvidovre http://www.hvidovre.dk Høje Taastrup http://www.htk.dk Lyngby-Taarbæk http://www.ltk.dk Rødovre http://www.rk.dk Ishøj http://www.ishoj.dk Tårnby http://www.taarnby.dk Vallensbæk http://www.vallensbaek.dk Furesø http://www.furesoe.dk Allerød http://www.alleroed.dk Fredensborg http://www.fredensborg.dk Helsingør http://www.helsingorkommune.dk Hillerød http://www.hillerod.dk Hørsholm http://www.horsholm.dk Rudersdal http://www.rudersdal.dk Egedal http://www.egedalkommune.dk Frederikssund http://www.frederikssund.dk Halsnæs http://www.halsnaes.dk Gribskov http://www.gribskov.dk Bornholm http://www.brk.dk
Sjælland /Zealand
The following 17 kommunes include the rest of Sjælland and Lolland Falster.
Region Sjælland
Alléen 15, 4180 Sorø ----------------------------
Greve http://www.greve.dk Køge http://www.koege.dk Roskilde http://www.roskildekom.dk Solrød http://www.solrod.dk Odsherred http://www.odsherred.dk Holbæk http://www.holbaek.dk Faxe http://www.faxekommune.dk Kalundborg http://www.kalundborg.dk Ringsted http://www.ringsted.dk Slagelse http://www.slagelse.dk Stevns http://www.stevns.dk Sorø http://www.soroe.dk Lejre http://www.lejre.dk Lolland http://www.lolland.dk Næstved http://www.naestved.dk Guldborgsund http://www.guldborgsund.dk Vordingborg http://www.kommunen.vordingborg.dk
Nord Jylland North Jutland
The following 11 danish kommunes are located in the northern part of Jutland (the Danish Pennisula north of Germany). The area runs from a little south of Aalborg and to the northernest part of Denmark. Region Nordjylland Niels Bohrs vej 30 9220 Aalborg Ø. ----------------------
Morsø http://www.morsoe.dk Thisted http://www.thisted.dk Brønderslev http://www.broenderslev.dk Frederikshavn http://www.frederikshavn.dk Vesthimmerlands http://www.vesthimmerland.dk Læsø http://www.laesoe.dk Rebild http://www.rebild.dk Mariagerfjord http://www.mariagerfjord.dk Jammerbugt http://www.jammerbugt.dk Aalborg http://www.aalborgkommune.dk Hjørring http://www.hjoerring.dk

Midt Jylland Middle Jutland
Midt Jylland consists of 19 kommunes are extends south from Nord Jylland down towards Horsens. It also includes the island of Samsø. Region Midtjylland Skottenborg 26 Postboks 21 8800 Viborg ------------------------------
Horsens http://www.horsenskommune.dk Herning http://www.herning.dk Holstebro http://www.holstebro.dk Lemvig http://www.lemvig.dk Struer http://www.struer.dk Syddjurs http://www.syddjurs.dk Norddjurs http://www.norddjurs.dk Favrskov http://www.favrskov.dk Odder http://www.oddernettet.dk Randers http://www.randers.dk Silkeborg http://www.silkeborgkommune.dk Samsø http://www.samsoe.dk Skanderborg http://www.skanderborg.dk Arhus http://www.aarhuskommune.dk Ikast-Brande http://www.ikast-brande.dk Ringkøbing-Skjern http://www.rksk.dk Hedensted http://www.hedensted.dk Skive http://www.skive.dk Viborg http://www.viborg.dk
Syd Jylland/ Syd Danmark Southern Jutland
The following 22 kommunes are considered to be part of South Jutland, but they also include all the kommunes on Fyn. So everything below Horsens down to the German border and the kommunes on Fyn, Langeland, Als and Rømø. Region Syddanmark Damhaven 12 7100 Vejle -----------------------------------
Middelfart http://www.middelfart.dk Assens http://www.assens.dk Faaborg-Midtfyn http://www.faaborgmidtfyn.dk Kerteminde https://www.kerteminde.dk/borger/borgerservice Nyborg http://www.nyborg.dk Odense http://www.odense.dk Svendborg http://www.svendborg.dk Nordfyns http://www.nordfynskommune.dk Langeland http://www.langelandkommune.dk Aerø http://www.aeroekommune.dk Haderslev http://www.haderslev.dk Billund http://www.billund.dk Sønderborg http://www.sonderborg.dk Tønder http://www.toender.dk Esbjerg http://www.esbjergkommune.dk Fanø http://www.fanoe.dk Varde http://www.vardekommune.dk Vejen http://www.vejenkom.dk Aabenraa http://www.aabenraa.dk Fredericia http://www.fredericiakommune.dk Kolding http://www.kolding.dk Vejle http://www.vejle.dk

Each of the municipalities above have lots of information that can be helpful to you as an expat and you should visit their borger service as soon as you move into their kommune. You can orientate yourself to the various services available, meet your councilors, get loads of material and sign up for language classes, daycare and much much more.
Learn more what the Danish kommunes can offer you in our get started guide.
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