Below you will find several danish vocabulary lists of common words, that as an expat, you will come across at one time or another. We have found that having this list around has helped us out many times.
You may wish to copy the shopping terms down or print them out. Carry them with you as you shop. When my wife first started shopping, she wrote down some of her baking terms and just showed them to the store assistant, who could then point out where it was. If she hadn't done this -
Hope you find these useful.
If you have some terms or phrases which you would like to include on the list, please feel free to add them by going to the invitation at the bottom of the page. We will credit you with any additions. Thank you.
One of the most frustrating things about getting bills in Denmark is that the terms are so confusing at first. So here is a run down of some the danish vocabulary that is often found on your bills.
EnglishBILLS and INVOICES rental contract/ agreement on account estimate consumption, use Tax or VAT due reading account settled/paid amount of bill round off/round up calculated yearly use due date of payment corrected energy use unit price use payment due date last/previous kind of gas total (in all) to pay invoice invoice date invoice number customer customer or account number quarter or quarterly quarterly costs tax meter stand net amount due (earlier) billed heating bill amount of bill date of bill total cost costs of phone calls ending date beginning reading beginning date telephone service charge |
DanishFAKTURA Abonnement Aconto . Acontoforbrug Acontomoms Aflæsning Afregnet Afregningsbeløb Afrunding Beregnet årsforbrug Betalingsfrist Energi-korrigeret forbrug Enhedspris Forbrug Forfaldsdato Forrige Gasart I alt (or ialt) at betale faktura fakturadato fakturanr Kunde Kundenummer Kvartal Kvartalsafgifter Moms Målerstand Netto Opkrævet Opvarming Regning Regningsbeløb Regningsdato Resultat Samtaleafgifter Slutdato Startaflæsning Start dato Telefonafgifter |
When looking through the local paper it may help to know some of these danish vocabulary words for types of entertainment and amusements. Don't want you to bring your laundry to the Kino!
ENTERTAINMENT entertainment aquarium movie theatre bowling lane bowling alley circus dance cinema concert nightclub orchestra play symphony theater magic subtitle |
UNDERHOLDNING Forlystelse Akvarium Biograf Bowlingbane Bowlingcenter Cirkus Dans Kino Koncert Natklub Orkester Spil Symfoni Teater Trylleri Undertekst |
Below, I have a list of common danish vocabulary terms for baking and bakery items.
FOOD For Baking baking powder baking soda butter cocoa coconut corn flour cornstarch Cream of tartar Egg flour All-purpose white flour graham wheat rye wheat whole wheat flour honey jam jelly/gelatin lard margarine pastry dough Salad oil Sugar Dark brown sugar light brown sugar powdered/confectioner’s/icing yeast bread black bread/pumpernickel coarse textured bread flaky roll flaky roll with poppyseeds heavy textured roll hot dog buns long thin loaf oval loaf raisin bread round loaf rye bread sandwich bread short loaves sourdough bread sweet round bun walnut bread white bread whole wheat bread dairy products (Note: Most dairy products will have two dates on the packaging: one for the date of production and packaging [Pakket] and one for the expiration date [Mindst holdbar til]). Butter coffee cream whipping cream ice cream margarine plant margarine milk buttermilk homogenized milk low fat milk skim milk whole milk sour cream yogurt Plain with fruit |
MAD Til bagning Bagepulver Natron Smør Kakao Kokosmel Majsmel Maizena h Hjorteaksalt æg Mel Hvedemel Grahamsmel Rugmel Hvedemel Honning Syltetøj/marmelade Gelé Svinefedt/spæk Margarine Dej Salatolie Sucker/stødt melis Brun farin Lys farin Flormelis/glasur Gær Brød Rugbrød Grovbrød Croissant Tebirkes Grovbolle Pølsebrød Fransk flute Aflangt brød
Rosinbrød Rund brød Rugbrød Toastbrød Mini flutes Surbrød Bolle Valnøddebrød Fransk brød Hvedebrød Mælkeprodukter (Note: Most dairy products will have two dates on the packaging: one for the date of production and packaging [Pakket] and one for the expiration date [Mindst holdbar til]). Smør Kaffefløde Piskefløde Is Margarine Plantemargarine Mælk Kærnemælk Homogeniseret mælk Let mælk Skummetmælk Sød mælk Crème fraiche Yoghurt Naturel Med frugt |
Feel like some fish? Hear are some danish vocabulary words for various types of fish and shellfish that you will find at the fishhandler.
Fish Anchovy Catfish Cod Crab Eel Smoked eel Flounder Frog Frogs legs Halibut Herring Lobster Mackerel Mussel Octopus Oyster Plaice Red snapper Salmon Smoked salmon Sardines Scallops Shellfish Shrimp Snails Sole Trout Tuna Turtle |
Fisk ansjos havkat torsk krabbe ål røget ål skrubbe frø frølår helle flynder sild hummer makrel muslinger blæksprutte østers rødspætte rød fisk laks røget laks sardiner kammuslinger skaldyr rejer snegle tunge ørred tunfisk skildpadde |
Got to know your common danish vocabulary words for fruits!
Fruit Apple Apricot Banana Blueberry Cherry Currants Dates Fig Grapes Lemon Lime Mango Nectarine Orange Peach Pear Pineapple Pomegranate Prune Raisins Raspberry Rhubarb Strawberry Tangerine Watermelon |
Frugt æble abrikos banan blåbær kirsebær korender dadler figen vindruer citron lime mango nektarin appelsin fersken pær ananas blomme sveske rosiner hindbær rabarber jordbær clementine .vandmelon |
What are some of the common danish vocabulary words for spices and herbs?
Herbs and Spices Allspice Almond Aniseed Basil Bayleaf Caper Caraway Cayenne Chili powde Chives Cinnamon Cloves Coriander Curry Dill Ginger Horseradish Marjoram Mint Mustard Nutmeg Oregano Paprika Parsley Pepper Black pepper White pepper Pepper corns Poultry seasoning Rosemary Sage Sesame seeds Terragon Thyme Vanilla Vinegar |
Krydderier allehånde mandel anis basilikum laubærblad capers kommen cayenne peber chili pulver purløg kanel nelliker koriander karry dild ingefær peberrød . merian mynte sennep muskatnød oregano paprika persille peber sort peber hvid peber peberkorn fjerkræ krydderi rosmarin salvie sesamfrø esdragon timian vanille eddike |
Here is a list of common danish vocabulary words for types of meat and poultry.
Meat Beef Center cut of tenderloin End cut of tenderloin Flank steak Liver Loin/tenderloin Pot roast Ribs of beef Rump steak Stew meat Veal Breast of veal . Calves liver Ground veal Loin of veal Veal chops Veal cutlet Lamb Breast of lamb Loin Rib chops . Rib roast Whole leg of lamb Pork Bacon Fresh ham Ground pork Pork chops Salt-cured ham Spare ribs Tenderloin Smoked tenderloin Poultry Chicken Chicken livers Cornish hen Duck Duck breast Goose Pheasant Turkey |
Kød Oksekød oksefilet tournedos flank lever filet grydesteg entrecote halestykke små kød Kalvekød kalvebryst kalvelever hakket kalvekød kalve mørbrad kalvekotelet kalveschnitzel Lammekød lammebryst filet lammekoteletter lammeryg lammekølle Svinekød bacon skinkekød hakket flæskekød svinekoeletter røget skinkekød spare ribs svinemørbrad hamburgerryg Fjerkræ kylling kyllingelever poussin and andebryst gås fasan kalkun |
You probably think I am nuts for giving you this list of common danish vocabulary words for various types of nuts.
Nuts Almonds Cashew nuts Chestnuts Coconut Hazelnuts Peanuts Pistachio nuts Walnuts |
Nødder mandler cashewnød (acajounød) kastanier kokosnød hasselnødder jordnødder pistacie nødder valnødder |
Here is a list of common danish vocabulary words for vegetables.
Q. What did the mommy tomato say to the baby tomato when
they went for a walk?
A. Hurry up now and Ketch-up!
Vegetables Artichoke Asparagus Avocado Beans Beets Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Red cabbage Green cabbage White cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Corn Cucumber Eggplant Endive Fennel Garlic Leek Lentils Lettuce Head lettuce Mushroom Onion Parsnips Peas Pepper Green pepper Red pepper Pickles Potatoes Sweet potato Pumpkin Radish Spinach Squash Tomato Turnip Watercress Zucchini |
Grøntsager artiskok asparges avocado bønner rødbeder broccoli rosenkål kål rød kål grønkål hvidkål gulerødder . blomkål blegseleri majs agurk aubergine endive fennikel hvidløg porre linser salat salathoved champignon løg pasternak ærter peber grøn peber rød peber syltede agurker kartofler søde kartofler græskar radis spinat squash/zucchini/courgette tomat majroe brøndkarse squash/courgette
You can now return to the main Danish Language page. You may like to refresh yourself with the Danish alphabet or even get to grips with Danish time and numbers. So much to learn as an expat in Denmark.
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