There are many international schools in Denmark where teaching is carried out in either English, French or German, while still teaching Danish as a mandatory subject.
The International Schools in Denmark are located throughout Denmark, tho most are found close to Copenhagen. The schools are open to all international students but also cater to Danish children who wish to have a more international style of education.
For the expat the decision to enroll their child in one of the international schools in Denmark or a Danish school can be a dilemna.
A. For many it is easier to enroll in an international school that teaches in the child's native tongue. The student will also be taught Danish as part of the curriculum, yet the environment will be more international than Danish.
B. The Danish schools will offer the student the chance to assimilate into Danish society and culture quicker, make Danish friends and learn the language quicker too. Since the Danish schools will teach in Danish the student will be forced to learn more Danish. That is not to say that english is not spoken and Danish schools work well with foreign students, helping them with special Danish classes and all sorts of assistance.
Some of the deciding factors will be where you live, how long will you be staying in Denmark, the age of the child attending school and cost. The costs of tuition for an international school starts around 20,000 DKR per year and can go as high as 100,000. This will vary from school to school, but that is only a general guideline. Check with the schools for exact prices and and possible discounts for families with more than one child attending.
There may be a waiting list for some international schools, so plan early if relocating to Denmark to check with the school for availability and reserve a spot early.
If you can not get into one of the International Schools in Denmark or the cost is prohibitive, you may wish to contact your local kommune about getting a tutor, who can help your child with languange and other subjects. These tutors will teach your child in their native tongue, so that they can learn easier and quicker.
One thing about the Danish education system is that there is a lot of options for everyone, regardless of age, nationality or language spoken.
I have divided the International Schools in Denmark into the following categories: English, German and French speaking schools.
I do not know of any other international schools, but there may be some. If looking for other languages, you may wish to contact one these schools for guidance.
You can also read more about the education system aside from the international schools in Denmark here.
I have not evaluated or endorsed any school nor given information on their curriculum, age groups or fees, since this is something that changes (especially fees) and is something that each parent needs to decide for themselves. You can click on the school and it will take you to their website .
Below is a list of the English international schools in Denmark including kindergarten and schools.
The most popular international schools are CIS, HIS and Rygaards, which may be due to their close proximity to Copenhagen and the large expat community which resides there.
Bagsværd Kostskoleog Gymnasium Aldershvilevej 138 / Skovalleen 30 2880 Bagsværd Tlf: 44 98 00 65 Hellerupvej 11 2900 Hellerup Tlf: 39 62 12 15 Birkerød Gymnasium Hf, IB & Kostskole Søndervangen 56 3460 Birkerød Tlf: 45 81 02 56 Bjørn's International School (BIS) Gartnerivej 5 2100 Copenhagen Ø Tlf: 39 29 29 37 Copenhagen International School Levantkaj 4 2150 Nordhavn Tlf: 39 46 33 00
Esbjerg International School Guldager Skolevej 4 6710 Esbjerg V Tlf: 76 10 53 99 European School Copenhagen Ny Carlsberg Vej 99 1799 København V Tlf: 36 14 01 90 N.P. Josiassens Vej 21 8500 Grenaa Tlf: 87 58 40 50 Hasseris Gymnasium Hasserisvej 300 Postboks 70 9100 Aalborg Tlf: 96 32 71 10 Henriette Hørlücks Skole / Odense International School Slotsvænget 1-3 & 4 5000 Odense C Herlufsholm Skole Herlufsholm Alle 170 4700 Naestved Tlf: 55 75 35 00 International School of Billund Skolevej 24 7190 Billund Tlf: 26 32 78 00 Kochs International School Skt Johannes Alle 4 8000 Aarhus Tlf: 87 32 19 99 NGG (formerly Hørsholm International School) Cirkelhuset, Christianshusvej 16 2970 Hørsholm Tlf: 45 57 26 16 International School of Als Vølundsgade 18 6400 Sønderborg Tlf: 74 43 05 50 International School Ikast-Brande Vestergade 47-49 7430 Ikast Tlf: 40 22 77 05 |
Aarhus International School Dalgas Avenue 12 8000 Arhus Tlf: 86 72 60 60 Little Montessori School Lundtoftevej 97 2800 Kgs Lyngby Tlf: 45 93 52 95 Nørre Gymnasium Mørkhøjvej 78 2700 Brønshøj Tlf: 44 94 27 22 Nyborg Gymnasium Skolebakken 13 5800 Nyborg Tlf: 65 31 02 17 Rygaards School Bernstroffsvej 54 2900 Hellerup Tlf: 39 62 10 53 Skipper Clement School (used to be the Aalborg International School) Gammel Kærvej 28-30 9000 Aalborg Tlf: 98 12 11 88 Jyllansgade 2 7600 Struer Tlf: 97 85 43 00 Skt. Josef's International School Frederiksborgvej 10 4000 Roskilde Tlf: 46 30 46 10 Sunrise Preschool Norgesmindevej 32 2900 Hellerup Tlf: 35 43 23 17 Stepping Stones Preschool Bernstorffsvej 230 2920 Charlottelund Tlf: 35 12 33 30 The Cosmo International School Vesterbrogade 6 6000 Kolding Tlf: 75 52 05 00 The International Vesterhavsvej 43 6990 Ulfborg Tlf: 97 33 17 00 Tokai University Vedbæk Strandvej 476 2950 Vedbæk Tlf: 45 89 08 09 Valby International Preschool Vilhelm Thomsens Alle 13 2500 Valby Tlf: 71 80 52 22 International School of Hellerup Rygårds Alle 131 2900 Hellerup Tlf: 70 20 63 68 Aarhus Academy for Global Education Bushøjvænget 133 8270 Højbjerg, Aarhus Tlf: 86 72 60 60 Sønderborg International School Agervang 14 6400 Sønderborg Tlf: 74 43 01 10 |
The only French International Schools in Denmark, that I know of in Denmark is:
Prins Henriks Skole, Frederiksberg Alle 22A, 1820 Frederiksberg Tlf: 33 21 20 48
There may be others, but I am not aware of them. You may wish to contact the French embassey if you need a French school outside of the Copenhagen area.
Here is a list of all the German International Schools in Denmark:
Sankt Petri School, Larslejsstraede 5, 1541 Copenhagen Tlf: 33 13 04 62
There are many other German schools located mostly in Southern Jutland catering to the large German population living north of the German border. Here is a list of some of the kindergartens and international schools in Denmark.
Kindergarten Königin Margrethenweg, Dronning Margrethes Vej 5, 6200 Aabenraa Tel: 74 62 40 72 Email:
Kindergarten Hadersleben, Rabensvej 2, 6100 Haderslev Tel: 74 34 52 20 Email:
Kindergarten Arnkielstrasse, Arnkilgade 12, 6400 Sønderborg Tel: 74 42 13 03 Email:
Kindergarten Broacker, Vestergade 39, 6310 Broager Tel: 74 44 12 83 Email:
Kindergarten Bülderup, Gl. Sottrupvej 2, 6372 Bylderup Bov Tel: 73 76 88 31 Email:
Kindergarten Gravenstein, Stenvej 27, Rinkenæs, 6300 Gråsten Tel: 74 65 00 26 Email:
Kindergarten Jeising, Hostrupvej 28, Jejsing, 6270 TønderTel: 74 73 42 07 Email:
Kindergarten Loit/ Schauby, Skovby Bygade 37, 6200 Aabenraa Tel: 21 15 00 59 Email:
Kindergarten Lügumkloster, Vindmøllegade 4, 6240 Løgumkloster Tel: 74 74 36 17 Email:
Kindergarten Mölby, Tovskovvej 10, Mølby, 6560 Sommersted Tel: 74 50 41 50
Kindergarten Osterhoist, Holmevej 2 B, Øster Højst, 6240 Løgumkloster Tel: 74 77 52 32 E-Mail:
Kindergarten Pattburg, Kalvehaven 15, 6330 Padborg Tel: 73 67 80 12 Email:
Kindergarten Rapstedt, Hovedgaden 44A, Ravsted, 6372 Bylderup Bov Tel.: 73 76 88 46 Email:
Kindergarten Renz, Skolevej 9, Rens, 6372 Bylderup Bov Tel: 73 76 86 97 Email:
Kindergarten Ringreiterweg, Ringridervej 13, 6400 SønderborgTel.: 74 42 45 79 Email:
Kindergarten Rothenkrug, Østergade 49, 6230 Rødekro Tel: 74 66 17 04 Email:
Kindergarten Tingleff, Grønnevej 48, 6360 Tinglev Tel: 73 76 88 12
Kindergarten Uk, Uge Bygade 21, Uge, 6360 Tinglev Tel.: 73 76 88 19 Email:
Kindergarten Wilsbek, Vilsbækvej 22 A, Vilsbæk, 6330 Padborg Tel.: 74 68 76 61 Email:
Kindercampus Lunden, Overbjerg 15, 6430 Nordborg Tel: 74 45 09 07 Email:
Kindergarten Hoyer, Nørrevej 64 A, 6280 Højer Tel: 74 78 20 19 Email:
Kindergarten Tondern, Popsensgade 6B, 6270 Tønder Tel: 74 72 36 03 Email:
Waldkindergarten Feldstedt, Nørballe 5, Felsted, 6200 Aabenraa Tel: 74 68 53 55 Email:
Privatschule Apenrade, Svinget 15, 6200 AabenraaTlf.: 74 62 20 08 E-Mail:
Schule Hadersleben, Ryes Møllevej 19, 6100 HaderslevTlf: 74 52 47 46 E-Mail:
Deutsche Privatschule Sonderburg, Arnkilgade 10, 6400 SønderborgTlf: 74 42 37 85 E-Mail:
Deutsche Schule Tingleff, Grønnevej 53, 6360 TinglevTlf: 74 64 48 35 Email:
Ludwig-Andresen-Schule Tondern, Popsensgade 2, 6270 TønderTlf: 74 72 25 21 Email:
Deutsche Schule Buhrkall, Burkal Kirkevej 6-8, 6372 Bylderup BovTlf: 74 76 22 52 Email:
Förde-Schule Gravenstein, Bomhusvej 4, 6300 GraastenTlf: 74 65 19 35 Email:
Schule Hoyer, Nørrevej 64 C, 6280 HøjerTlf: 74 78 21 19 E-Mail :
Schule Lügumkloster, Ringgade 1 A, 6240 LøgumklosterTlf: 74 74 37 21 Email:
Kindercampus LundenDeutsche Gemeinschaftsinstitution Schule Lunden, Overbjerg 15, 6430 NordborgTlf: 74 45 12 77 E-Mail:
Schule Rapstedt, Ravsted Hovedgade 44 B, Ravsted, 6372 Bylderup BovTlf: 74 64 71 19 E-Mail:
Schule Rothenkrug, Østergade 49, 6230 RødekroTlf: 74 66 20 29 E-Mail :
Privatschule Feldstedt, Kildemarken 1, Felsted, 6200 AabenraaTlf: 74 68 54 07 E-Mail:
Schule Osterhoist, Holmevej 2, Øster Højst, 6240 LøgumklosterTlf: 74 77 51 28
Schule Pattburg, Nørregade 64, 6330 PadborgTlf: 74 67 31 06 E-Mail:
Gymnasium für Nordschleswig, Heiko Siebels, Agerglimt 10, 6340 KrusaaTlf: 73 32 60 21
Nachschule Tingleff, Grønnevej 51, 6360 TinglevTlf: 74 64 48 20
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