by Drew
As a new expat in Copenhagen, I've been looking into zones a lot recently. I found your several pages on transport extremely helpful, but I'm not sure if you're calculating the number of zones correctly. Every other website I've looked at only considers the zone of origin and the destination zone. Your page here is the only reference I've seen that considers the path you take. In particular, I entered a number of "dummy" routes into and it seems to be consistent with the path independent technique. It's close, but your method of using the zones you travel through is often off by one or two zones. In conclusion, thank you very much for all of the advice - especially things like carrying multiple klip korts and putting several people on one kort - but I think you should update the zone calculation.
Hi Drew,
Thanks for taking the time to review the information. I will double check my calculations, but if in doubt you can use Put in your route and than check "Se Mere" and than "se pris i zoner" for the correct amount.
Will double check my calculations and make any corrections. thank you